Sunday, March 24, 2019

Wood frogs erupt

Dozens of male wood frogs sing in the waters of a small woodland pool. These frogs are explosive in their vernal breeding habits. Over a period of a few days they enter the pool, sing and mate, leave egg masses, and depart.

I was in the Killbuck Valley of Wayne County, Ohio yesterday, mostly photographing waterfowl and other birds. While slowly driving along a country lane, I heard the frogs and of course had to stop to admire the frenzy.

A male wood frog "sings" while floating. The pouches along its sides are inflated in this shot, and the frog calls with such explosive intensity that it creates conspicuous ripples in the water. A pond such as this, full of singers, is awash in rippling frog aqua-tremors. Standing amongst a chorus of wood frogs in spring is something everyone should experience. The sound reminds people of, variously, distant ducks quacking, chuckling, or turkeys gobbling.

Here's a video of one of the frogs singing away.

1 comment:

Woody Meristem said...

Ours haven't started yet -- any day now.