In what could only be ascribed to the cosmic tentacles of Beetledom reaching through the ether and bestowing Good Karma on me, I walked out my front door almost immediately after making the last post, and saw the above. A Pleasing Fungus Beetle! Its color scheme even closely resembles the Tomentose Burying Beetle that I had just written about.
As the name implies, these beetles feed on fungi, especially the fruiting bodies. Apparently the genus Megalodacne, which includes this species, goes for those woody bracket fungi that stick like shelves from stumps and trunks.
Needless to say, I was quite pleased by the appearance of this little beauty.
You are on a roll with these halloween colors.
Wish you could have been with us today, as the "beetle mania" at the Eulett Center was intense. CBH
It is not every day that you see the words pleasing , fungus ,and beetle in the same sentence!
I have been enjoying catching up on your posts! Always love your sence of humor and excitement for the small things in nature.
Thanks all for the comments. Yes, prefacing a name with the word "Pleasing" does mute the impact of words like fungus. Perhaps we should have a Pleasing Slime Mold, or Pleasing Dog Tick, or possibly the Pleasing Naked Mole Rat.
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