Thursday, March 3, 2016


I love experimenting with photography of all kinds. Even cityscapes, on occasion. And last night offered an unusual opportunity to shoot the city of Columbus from an unusual perspective - the roof of a 30+ story skyscraper.

As the sun set on a beautiful albeit nippy evening, there was a brief period of perfect golden light. I managed to create this image at the peak of magic light. Shortly before this photo was made, one of the local Peregrine Falcons came to investigate, and landed on the parapet of the roof. After glaring at us interlopers who dared to scale HIS building, the falcon dropped off the ledge, coursed by at close range, and retreated back into the concrete jungle.

After the rooftopping concluded, we went down to street level and over to the Rich Street bridge across the Scioto River. This is probably the best locale to shoot uncluttered images of Columbus's skyline. Once the sun drops and the lights come on, downtown takes on an entirely different look.


Anonymous said...

Do you use any photoshop or are these images straight off the camera???
would really like to know. Thanks for any respnse!

Jim McCormac said...

These images are HDR - high dynamic range. They're a blend of five images taken in immediate succession all at different exposures, and blended together.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! The photos are awesome, by the way.