Monday, April 18, 2022

Nature: 'Mammals of Ohio' features facts, figures and more about Ohio's furry denizens


"Mammals of Ohio" (Ohio University Press, 437 pages, $38.22) by John D. Harder and Guy N. Cameron

Nature: 'Mammals of Ohio' features facts, figures and more about Ohio's furry denizens

Columbus Dispatch
April 18, 2022

Jim McCormac

Over four decades have passed since the last definitive work on Ohio’s mammals. In 1981, "A Guide to the Mammals of Ohio" was released, with detailed accounts of 54 species of mammals. It was authored by University of Cincinnati mammologist Jack Gottschang.

Lots of changes have occurred in Ohio’s mammal populations in the intervening 41 years. Some species have become more common, and others rarer. New information has been learned about most species, and their ranges have been further elucidated. And advances in publishing techniques and photography allow for a much showier book about the hairy crowd.

"Mammals of Ohio" updates Gottschang’s book in a slick package peppered with excellent photographs and much new information. The authors are well-respected Ohio mammalogists John Harder (Ohio State University) and Guy Cameron (University of Cincinnati).

The book’s cover is eye-grabbing, featuring a gray fox in mid-stride, shooting the photographer (Larry Master) an inquisitive look. This beautiful forest fox is an example of changes that have occurred since Gottschang’s book. He noted that gray fox was found in every county, and “extremely abundant” in some regions.

Not now. Harder and Cameron describe gray fox status as “low” in numbers throughout much of Ohio, and it is listed as a Species of Concern by the Ohio Division of Wildlife.

Other mammals with marked declines since 1981 include most Ohio bat species, primarily due to the introduction of a fungal disease referred to as white-nose syndrome.

On a positive note, black bears, bobcats and river otters — which were considered extirpated in 1981 — are recolonizing the state. As is the clever and charismatic coyote, a subject of much misinformation and misguided fear. Its account in "Mammals of Ohio" gives the real facts about these wily canids.

"Mammals of Ohio" includes an informative introductory section that includes information about mammal physiology, techniques used in their study, conservation, and a comprehensive checklist of Ohio species. In addition to numerous photographs, the book features delightful line drawings by Suellen Jacob.

Each Order (rodents, carnivores, bats etc.) is introduced with an informative overview that describes characteristics of the group, the number of species and families, and various interesting facts. Orders are broken down into families, these with a brief synopsis of its defining characters.

The meat of the book is the 55 species accounts. These are robust, stretching over several pages. The writing is clear, and the authors do a commendable job of simplifying sometimes complex information and presenting it in easily understandable terms.

Accounts feature a description of the species, and sections on distribution and abundance, habitat, diet, reproduction, mortality, behavior, and conservation. Excellent maps show distribution in Ohio, and the overall range.

Numerous nuggets are scattered throughout, such as the venomous bite of shrews, the behavior of our true hibernators (it isn’t just the woodchuck), and exactly how skunks employ their musk against threats — and what animals prey on them.

I highly recommend "Mammals of Ohio." Anyone with an interest in mammals beyond Homo sapiens should enjoy this book. It’s a great way to learn the rest of the story about mammals such as chipmunks, opossums and squirrels that share your yard. It will also open eyes to species that most people probably don’t know about, such as least weasel, star-nosed mole and thirteen-lined ground squirrel.

Naturalist Jim McCormac writes a column for The Dispatch on the first, third and fifth Sundays of the month. He also writes about nature at


Auralee said...

Sigh. Just when you decide that no, you don't need any more nature books or field we go again!

Unknown said...

Jim, I'm certain I'm not alone in being inspired by your article to remember an outstanding zoologist, naturalist and professor at the Ohio State University, Dr. E E Good. Many of my fellow zoology majors "crossed over" to the School of Natural Resources to take Dr. Good's course in Mammalogy. His is a legacy worth telling. He brought the Barneby Center Lab to OSU (the linchpin property of Clear Creek Metro Park). For my part, having taken his Mammalogy course prior to my Spring experience at Barneby Lab way back when greatly enhanced my enjoyment of that phenomenal field study he originated. Dr Good also brought us to the mountains of W VA and the marshes at the head of Sandusky Bay.

I am so looking forward to getting this guide for myself and a few more as prized presents for family and friends. Thanks, Mike Colvin