We've got three species of Ophioglossum: this one, the Northern adder's-tongue, O. pusillum, and the very rare limestone adder's-tongue, O. engelmannii. Both of the other species are listed as endangered in Ohio, with the limestone adder's-tongue found elsewhere in Adams County in a few prairies.
Southern adder's-tongue likes to grow in scruffy haunts such as young woods, field margins and other semi-shaded uninteresting places that people often don't look at very closely. And it's quite easy to walk right by this plant, the eye dismissing it as the young leaf of some young plant still on the rise.
Excellent find! I love these species of Ferns, and unusual they are indeed! I have Ophioglossum engelmannii high on my life list.
Thanks Andrew, and I know just where to go for O. engelmannii. Would have looked yesterday but time didn't allow...
Anyway, you should have no problem finding that one with a few directions, should you need them.
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