Thursday, June 2, 2016

Showy Lady's-slipper alert!

I (quite fortuitously!) had business at Cedar Bog today, and it just so happened to coincide with the blooming of what many would argue is North America's most spectacular orchid, the Showy Lady's-slipper, Cypripedium reginae. Needless to say, some effort was made to create imagery of these botanical wonders, and some results are printed here.

As spectacular as the lady's-slippers looked today, they'll look even better in a day or two, as many flowers were still in bud. And the plants should be remain looking good for another week or so, but this weekend will be the weekend to visit.

Now who would NOT want to see a botanical spectacle such as this?! Some of the older plants produce so many flowers that they resemble an orchidiferous shrub. Showy Lady's-slipper is listed as threatened in Ohio, and there are only about four or five populations in the state. Cedar Bog hosts the most plants, and they are also the most easily accessible ones.

I've written about Cedar Bog and its myriad charms many times, but of all its treasures these orchids are probably the most coveted by visitors. And as fate would have it, there will be an orchid walk this Saturday, June 4, at 2 pm. All are welcome, but note that there is a $5.00 admission charge to Cedar Bog. This place is one of Ohio's most special natural areas, and it is operated by the not-for-profit Cedar Bog Association. It takes funds to manage and maintain the site and the excellent education center, and the five bucks is a pittance to help support such a fine operation. In fact, I would highly encourage you to join the Cedar Bog Association as a member. It's inexpensive, and allows you to visit as often as you like.

Showy Lady's-slippers are botanical eye candy of the highest order. They're irresistible photo subjects, so be sure to take a camera when you go.

There's a mile long wooden boardwalk through the site, and visitors must remain on its planks. But there are plenty of orchids to be seen at close range, including this beautiful trio of plants. They are but a few feet from the walk. By Saturday, there will likely be five big pink and white flowers here - note the two whitish buds below the right and left flowers.

I hope you can work in a trip to Cedar Bog to see its spectacular orchids this Saturday, or sometime in the next week or so. It's near Urbana, and less than an hour's drive from Columbus. CLICK HERE for directions and other information.

1 comment:

MbrownPanama said...

These flowers are spectacular. I would like to create a quilt with them and other NA specimuns. Can you sell me a picture or pictures of these and other flowers?
Specimens. Duh!

Marianne Brown, quilter, birder and fabric artist