Another common name is "Virginia Fanpetals".
What a terrible name. Whoever came up with that, maybe Richard Simmons, I don't know, deserves to have his 8th edition of Gray's Manual of botany confiscated for keeps.
Lest you berate me for unearthing this specimen, it too is going to a good home. And there was TONS of it where this came from. It's worth experimenting a bit with little known natives such as Virginia Mallow in a garden setting to learn more about how they behave, and see how people react to them.
I wonder how many mind-expanding botanical illiterati have tried to light this stuff up. I can just hear the lucky discoverers: "Like wow, man, check this patch of ditch-weed, man. C'mon dude, let's twist one and do it up, man..." And I wonder what the effects are? I have snacked on my fair share of native plants, and am keenly interested in their values, both as food and medicine, but draw the line at smoking stuff.
But I would love to know.
If you have ever confused Virginia Mallow with Marijuana and tried to smoke it, please report what happened. I'm sure we would all be interested.
The creamy-white flowers of Virginia Mallow are quite showy, like most members of the Malvaceae, which includes showstoppers like Hibiscus. But given the incredible size of the plants and the abundance of the robust foliage, the blooms are rather overwhelmed and look almost like an afterthought that someone glued to the summit of the plant.
I do enjoy the way you can take a big stalk of vegetation and spin an amusing, interesting post.
Sorry I can't give you an assist on it's combustible characteristics.
Thank you, Cathy! But Sida hermaphrodita is much more than a jumbo stalk of vegetation, and I could have had all kinds of fun with the hermaphrodite angle but, in an unusual fit of maturity, didn't go there!
Hi Jim,
It is Virginia fanpetals (Virginia sida, Virginia mallow) combustion HHV 18,7. It is the future crop for bioenergy/biomass (20 odt/ha/yr). We research this crop since 1950-60. An ideal crop! Recently I works with Kevin Triemstra to make Sida recognized among professionals from USA pellets and thermal industries.
Best regards
Kevin Triemstra
Minneapolis Biomass Exchange
1624 Harmon Pl, Suite 304
Minneapolis, MN 55403
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